Please Read!

First of all, I’d like to thank everyone who has taken the time to stop by this blog. It’s not a huge blog that gets thousands of comments a day, but I don’t do it for the comments. I do it because dramas are my way of breathing and feeling alive, and they make me happy. And I do it so that the people that do stop by, get a bit of a different flavour of review.

Anyway, I’ll cut straight to the chase: I will be taking a break from modern dramas.

I have been watching 미남이시네요/You’re Beautiful and have realized that my tendency to overthink things and make everything serious gets in the way of watching dramas like this. It’s supposed to be light and fun, but I find myself constantly raging about Hwang Tae Kyung’s verbal and emotional abuse. This drama is popular with middle school students, and it is teaching young men that this behaviour is perfectly acceptable. Meanwhile, young girls are being taught that they must endure such abuse instead of pursuing healthy, stable relationships. [I call this the “Twilight Effect.”]

Once I have finished the show, I will only watch and review saeguk/historical dramas. As these dramas are very long (maybe around 50 episodes each), this blog will see fewer updates. However, I will be accepting guest reviews. If you wish to write a review for a drama, please use the following form:


Your website/blog (optional):

Drama Title:

Article Title (optional):

Send the above to tacti_sielu(at) or comment on the blog!

Movie reviews will continue as normal. Thanks guys!

♥ Tacti

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